Flyer Girls win 31-24 over Kenesaw and advance to Round 2 of Sub Districts! Way to go Flyers!
There will be a Pep Rally for our State Wrestling Qualifier Joe Kahrs on Wednesday, February 19th at 3:00pm in the main gym. Good Luck at State Joe!
Congratulations to the JH Boys Basketball team winning their final game of the season 19-12 over Blue Hill. They finish the season 3-4 by winning their final three games.
Congratulations Joe Kahrs on qualifying for State Wrestling!! Great Job Joe!
Congratulations to the following FFA Members on their Proficiency award applications!!
Michelle Falkenstine - 1st in Beef Production
Taelyn Pritchard - 2nd in Health and Human Services
Kristen Herrick - 2nd in Swine Productions
All 3 will have their applications forwarded to the State competition!!
Elementary High Ability Learners (HAL) working with Mrs. Jack from @esu11!!
Attendance Reminder -
Absences due to illness and medical appointments, when provided with a doctor note, are excused.
If a student is ill but does not see a doctor, it is an unexcused absence.
An absence not related to illness such as a family trip is marked "parent-approved" and is considered unexcused.
To accurately record the absence and avoid truancy, notify the school before 9:00 am on the day of the absence.
When a student reaches five unexcused absences, parents will receive an attendance letter.
When a student reaches seven unexcused absences, parents will receive a second letter.
At ten unexcused absences, a percentage of semester credit loss will occur at the secondary level from the semester grade. - A referral to the STARS Attendance program at both elementary and secondary levels will also occur.
For students reaching a maximum of twenty or more absences will be referred to the county attorney. Loss of a percentage of semester credit at the secondary level, and the option of retention at the elementary level.
JH Boys Basketball Game Update for Thursday, January 23rd:
Due to scheduling conflicts between Kenesaw and Franklin the JH Basketball Game on Thursday, January 23rd will now start at 6:00 pm in Franklin there will be a full "A" and 2 quarters of a "B" game.