Limited Use of Facilities Approved by School Board

On Friday, January 22nd, 2021 the Franklin School Board met to adopt a resolution that will provide limited use of the of the Franklin School Facilities.  Here is what the resolution states:

"Organizations with the primary purpose of serving children who reside within the boundaries of the Franklin School District will have limited permission to use the district's facilities when the outside group's use does not interfere with the orderly operation of the curricular and co-curricular programs of the district.  Examples of organizations inlcuded in this description include, but are not limited to, Teammates, youth sports, Boy Scouts, and Girls Scouts.

Qualifying organizations may use the facility for regular meetings, practices and educational activities.  Organizations may not use the facility for competitive events like games or contests.  Organizations may not use the facility for any activity to which the general public would be invited or admitted.

Organizations that use the district's facilities must comply with all other school district policies and procedures and must strictly adhere to all directives of the Two Rivers Health Department.

Organizations that fail to comply with the limitations of this resolution will immediately be denied access to the district facilities."

Therefore, as of Friday, January 22nd, groups that work with students within the Franklin Public Schools boundary are now able to request use of the facilities for Regular Meetings, Practices and Educational Activities. 

However, you may not have competitions or events that admit the general public.

Access to the weight room by Patrons is still not allowed at this time, nor is the alternate gym available for people who wish to walk.

Finally, any group wishing to use the school's facilities as part of this new resolution, need to contact Adam Boettcher, 7-12 Principal, as well as fill out and submit a facility use form.